The Scarcity Mindset: When Everything Feels "Too Good"
Mar 02, 2025
Have you ever had a moment when life just seems to be too good? Maybe work is going well, your relationships feel solid, your health is in a good place—and yet, there’s this lingering thought in the back of your mind: When is the other shoe going to drop?
I’ve been there. Lately, everything in my life has been aligning in a way that feels almost unbelievable. And instead of fully embracing it, I catch myself waiting for something to go wrong. That’s the scarcity mindset at work.
Scarcity mindset tells us that good things are fleeting, that success isn’t sustainable, and that if we’re too happy, we must be missing something. But here’s the truth: this mindset steals our joy in the moments we should be fully present for.
Shifting to Mindfulness and Gratitude
The antidote to scarcity thinking is presence. Mindfulness helps us recognize these limiting beliefs without letting them dictate our emotions.
Try this quick practice when scarcity thoughts creep in:
- Pause and notice—Acknowledge the thought: I feel like this is too good to be true.
- Ground yourself—Take three slow, deep breaths, focusing on each inhale and exhale.
- Gratitude shift—Say to yourself: Right now, in this moment, I am grateful for… and list three things.
- Affirm abundance—Try: I am worthy of good things. I allow myself to experience joy fully.
Your happiness isn’t a mistake. You are allowed to enjoy what’s going well in your life without fear of what comes next.
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