Your Brain Likes What’s Familiar – But That Doesn’t Mean It’s Right
Jan 31, 2025
Our brains are wired for comfort. We like what we know. Familiar patterns, predictable outcomes, and habits that feel automatic make us feel safe. Even if those habits, beliefs, or ways of working are outdated or unhelpful, they can still feel "right" simply because they’re what we’ve always done.
This is why change often meets resistance.
When something challenges the status quo, we instinctively question it, sometimes not because it’s wrong, but because it’s unfamiliar.
But here’s the thing: We are not just made for comfort. We are also made for growth.
Our brains can adapt, evolve, and reshape patterns when we intentionally challenge them. Just as we can unlearn habits that don’t serve us personally, we can unlearn societal patterns that no longer align with the world we want to build.
So, how do we move past this resistance?
Notice the discomfort. When you feel yourself pushing back against a new idea, ask yourself: Is this truly wrong, or is it just different?
Question old habits. Are you holding onto something because it’s valuable or simply because it’s familiar?
Channel energy into learning and unlearning. Growth requires both — expanding what we know and letting go of what no longer serves us.
The next time you feel yourself resisting change, pause. Acknowledge that feeling. Then, consider if what’s uncomfortable now might actually be the thing that helps you, your organization, or society move forward. Familiarity isn’t the same as truth. And comfort isn’t the same as progress.
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